时间地点Date and Venue
入学条件:最低要求大学专科满三年工作经验,本科满两年以上。 实际情况往期学员平均年龄33岁。
以下因素让您最终决定申请参加本项目Why You Should Attend
6. 15门课程中,11门课程来自法国一流豪华师资团队英文授课,全英文教学赋予您全球化视野
7. 总学费15万,费用包含去法国一门课程的学习费用,并可分2次分期支付
8. 每月2个周末总共4天授课,不占用工作时间,特别适用于工作繁忙的职业经理人
9. 学员平均年龄33岁,80%为外资公司高级经理,优质的同学群体确保您人脉资源最大化
10. 项目最后一门课程安排在法国巴黎一大进行,辅以建设性活动真正领略法国一流学府校园文化
中国教育部承认MBA学位 Program Approved by China National Degree Agency
法国巴黎第一大学工商管理硕士MBA学位项目是1991年经国务院学位委员会批准的中外合作办学并授予境外硕士学位的教育项目。学员完成课程后可获得法国巴黎第一大学MBA学位,该学位与法国本土学生所获学位完全相同,可到教育部海外留学服务中心办理学位认证,我国承认该学位。2007年,我院MBA项目顺利通过教育部组织的中外合作办学复审,本项目有效??至2015年8月31日。 详见中国国家教育部颁发的关于北京对外经贸大学国际合作项目的项目批准书,项目批准编号MOE11FR1A19970424O,教育部网址http://www.moe.gov.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/moe/s4716/201011/111750.html
大学介绍University Profile
Located in Latin District, Pairs, the Sorbonne University was founded in the 13th century, and is one of the oldest universities in Europe and in the world. The university has reared and trained a constellation of distinguished scholars and pundits among whom are eight Nobel laureates such as Maris Curie, and created innumerable exemplary classical literature. Today, University Paris I inherits the legacy of the elite education tradition and is evolving into an academic center of international influence.
Under the education cooperation agreement between Chinese and French governments, UIBE and FNEGE established Sino-French School of International Management (IFCM) in March, 1991. As one of the first Sino-foreign cooperative MBA programs in China, IFCM has received continuing support from French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, French Embassy in China, Chinese Ministry of Education, and the Degree Granting Committee of the State Council. IFCM is also one of the first co-operative educational institution that was approved and recognized by Chinese Ministry of Education 17 years ago.
Situated on the campus of UIBE, IFCM has graduated over 700 students. Its part-time program started in the year of 2003, with 132 graduates coming from prestigeous multinational companies like Dell, Morgan Bank, Intel, Siemens, HP, Veolia Water China etc. With knowledge of international management and a multi-cultural background, our graduates play a vital role in various professional fields and are favored by multinationals in their localization strategy. In recent years, the number of overseas students is increasing steadily, which enhances the future of the program.
师资团队Meet Some Professors
Dr. José Allouche,法国国家特级教授,博士生导师,法国巴黎第一大学企业管理学院、法国高等商业学院和巴黎工程师学院共同研究项目负责人。他主要讲授组织和决策科学、人力资源管理及企业社会责任课程并主持指导相关研究。
Dr. Serge EVRAERT, 会计学教授,波尔多大学(Bordeaux University)管理学院院长,波尔多第四大学(University Bordeaux IV)控制和国际会计研究中心主任。国际会计教育研究学会(IAAER)、欧洲铝协会(EAA)、法国内部审计师协会(IFACI)等协会会员。主要研究方向:国际会计,财务报告,管理控制系统,会计理论,企业融资。
Dr. Fran oise CHEVALIER, HEC人力资源管理教授,在法国“机构变革”、“质量小组”等人力资源管理方面研究活跃、成果卓著,是该领域的权威。同时担任《变化中的质量》以及《管理和理解》等专业杂志编委、《管理》杂志法文版评论员。她主要承担团队激励和创新与管理课程。
Dr. Gerard BAGLIN, HEC(HEC Group)教授,他对源自汽车工业的“精确生产方式”和“精确管理方式”的传播发展起到重要作用,同时对工业和服务型企业诊断程序系统化的工作,做出了特殊贡献。他在HEC的各个分支机构讲授制造学战略、物流管理、采购与分配、供应链管理、生产信息系统和服务业管理,并在多所国外院校担任客座教授。
Dr. Pierre-Yves LAGROUE, 巴黎第一大学企业管理学院(IAE de Paris I)教授,研究领域主要包括生产经营管理和管理控制。他主要从企业的需求出发进行与实践相结合的研究项目,解决有关信息系统、生产经营管理和管理控制的融合等问题。
Dr. Géraldine Schmidt, 巴黎第一大学企业管理学院(IAE de Paris I)教授、研究主任,主要研究方向是人力资源管理,战略管理和跨文化管理。她目前的研究涉及裁员管理、新信息和通信技术对工作灵活性的影响。主要讲授课程:管理与文化,人力资源管理,认识论和方法论的科学管理,组织理论,战略管理。
Dr. Marie Christine HENRIOT, 巴黎第十一大学经济学教授。她主要以欧洲问题为研究对象,研究方向包括货币政策、商业环境等。主要讲授课程:经济学和欧洲商业、经济的欧洲一体化、银行和货币政策。
Dr. Hervé Alexandre, 巴黎第九大学教授,金融研究中心主任。他主要以银行学和金融学为研究对象,主要讲授课程:银行学原理、银行与金融中介、银行风险管理、投资及证券组合管理、金融学原理等。他同时在全球多所院校担任客座教授。
Dr. Serge EVRAERT, Professor of Accountancy, Dean of the School of Management of the Bordeaux University, Director of the Centre Of Research for Control and International Accounting, University Bordeaux IV, Member IAAER, AAA, EAA, AFC, DFCG, IFACI, IFA. Teaching/Research Areas: International Accounting, Financial Reporting, Management Control Systems, Accounting Theory, Corporate Finance.
Dr. Fran oise CHEVALIER, Professor of Human Resource Management at HEC, teaches the courses of Team Inspiration and Creativity & Management .She is famous in the fields of organizational change and quality team in France. She is the editorial member of the magazine Quality in Movement and Management & Understanding, at the same time, she is the commentator of the magazine Management in French.
Dr. Gerard BAGLIN, Professor of HEC Group, guest professor of many universities, his competencies cover manufacturing strategy, logistics, purchasing, distribution, supply chain management, and information systems in manufacturing and service activities. He played a significant role in the dissemination of the “Lean Production” and “Lean Management” concepts, starting with the automotive industry, and then in many other industries, at the same time, he made special contribution to diagnosis procedure in service enterprises.
Dr. Pierre-Yves LAGROUE, Professor of IAE de Paris I, conducts research in production operations management and management control. He works mainly within action-research projects responding to corporation’s needs. His approach deals with the issues revolving around the integration of information systems, production operation management and management control.
Dr. Géraldine Schmidt, Professor, Research Director, IAE de Paris, her research interest span human resource management, strategic management and intercultural management. Her more recent research efforts deal with the management of staff reductions, the impact of new information and communication technologies on flexibility at work, as well as on organizational learning process in small and medium sized companies. Her main courses are titled as follows: Management and Cultures, Strategic Human Resource Management, Epistemology and Research Methodology in Management Science, Organization Theories, and Strategic Management.
Dr. Marie Christine HENRIOT, Professor in Economics at the University Paris Sud ORSAY. Her areas of interest are European topics – Monetary Policies – Business Environment. The courses taught include Economics and European Business, Economics of European Integration, Money, Banking and Monetary Policies.
Dr. Hervé Alexandre, Professor of Université Paris Dauphine (in master degrees) and Dean of DRM finance (the research center in finance), Dean of Master Bank and Finance and Master Research in finance at Université Paris Dauphine. His teaching at Université Paris Dauphine ranges from Banking Theory, Banking and Financial Intermediaition, Risk Banking Management to Protfoilio management. Dr. Hervé has series of publications, the latest ones being “The Complementarity of Regulatory and Internal Governance Mechanisms in Banks” on Bankers, Markets Investors; “Histoire des banques en France: du public au privé, de léconomie au management” by Presse des Sciences sociales Toulouse.
This program is delivered in English. Part-time students attend their business courses during weekends (4 days per month). Each course contains 30 credit hours, and the overall duration of the program is 18 months. There are 11 core foundation courses.
For the program, students can select one of the two specializations: Marketing &Sales or Financial Management. At the end of the course instruction, students are required to complete a graduation thesis in English under the guidance of their French and Chinese advisors. The last module of the core courses will be taught in Paris. Students will travel to Paris and study at the Sorbonne University.
Upon graduation, students who successfully complete all the required courses and pass the thesis defense will receive an MBA (Master Administration des Enterprises) degree from IAE of Universite de Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne, a degree accredited by the Degree Granting Committee of the Chinese State Council and the Chinese Ministry of Education, and a Graduation Certificate in Business Administration issued by UIBE. At the same time,participants can apply to the general examination for masters degree with equivalent education background, and they can get the master degree issued by UIBE if they pass the examination and finish the thesis defense.
课程介绍 Program Modules
专业课程 Foundation Courses | 学分 Score | |
商业导论Introduction to Business | 4 | |
营销学 Marketing | 4 | |
商务统计 Statistics for Business& Economics | 1 | |
经济学与欧洲商务 Economics and European Business | 4 | |
商业法律环境 Legal Environment of Business | 4 | |
财务会计 Accounting | 4 | |
公司理财 Corporate Finance | 4 | |
管理控制系统 Management Control System | 4 | |
管理信息系统 Management Information System | 4 | |
生产管理与物流 Operation and Logistics | 4 | |
人力资源管理与组织行为学 HR& Organizational Behavior | 4 | |
跨文化管理 Cross Cultural Management | 4 | |
专业方向课 Specialized Core Courses | 学分Score | |
销售队伍管理专业 | 金融专业 Finance | |
消费者行为与市场调研 | 金融市场Financial Market | 3 |
销售队伍管理 | 国际金融与投资 | 3 |
品牌管理 | 融资战略 | 3 |
战略管理 Strategic Management | 4 | |
论文答辩Thesis Defense | 6 | |
毕业典礼Graduation Ceremony |
申请条件Application Requirements
Graduates with a bachelor’s degree and more than 2 years working experience.
Note: Junior college (three-year schooling) graduates without bachelor’s degree need more than 3 years working experience.
英语熟练English language proficiency.
学员部分来自于以下公司Our applicants are coming from leading companies as below
阿尔卡特,西门子、英特尔、施耐德、惠普、威立雅水务、宝马、拜耳医药、默克雪莱诺制药、戴尔、巴斯夫、沃尔沃、摩根银行,家乐福,欧莱雅等 Alcatel, Siemens, Schneider, BASF, Bayer, Dell, HP, Star China, Morgan Bank, Intel, Siemens, BMW, Veolia Water, Volvo, Carrefour, L’OREAL and etc.
权威证书Premium Degrees
Graduates can get “Master d’Administration des Entreprises” (MBA), issued by Université de Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, and the study certificate IFCM Master Program in Business Management, issued by University of International Business and Economics. At the same time, participants can apply for masters degree with the same education level, issued by UIBE.
项目费用How Much You Should Pay
考试费:300元, 学费:15万元人民币(含学费、教材费及赴法研修一门课程的学费,机票及住宿费用自理),学员可分期付款
Application Fee (Non-refundable) is RMB 300, and Tuition Fee is RMB150,000 including cost involved on journey to one module in France and the tuition fee can be paid in twice.
考试形式Entry Examination
笔试: 英语自命题,形式参照GMAT模式。
Written English: A test that is similar to GMAT is arranged by IFCM.
免试条件: GMAT成绩550分以上。
Exception: The GMAT grade is more than 550.
面试 :面试小组由中法双方教授及企业代表组成,以英语进行,重点考察应试者的工作经历和个人发展潜力。
Interview: An admission committee comprising Chinese and French professors and corporate representatives will evaluate the applicant’s working experience and career potential. The interview is to be conducted in English.
申请材料Application Checklist
A complete application package should include the following:
1.Application Form (Electronic version and paper version)
2.Photocopy of degree certificates
3.Photocopy of ID(mainland students) or passport ( international students)
4.Official university transcript
5.CV in Chinese and English
6.Three passport-sized color photos
7.Other supporting documents(e.g. copies of professional certificates, awards, honors)